Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Along with the fantastic Thanksgiving we got a moderate amount of snow.......and we had fun!

Lilliana thought it was funny to throw snowballs at Mommy!

Gotta love my sexy hubby!

My girl, I just love her! (even her sassy attitude)

He is becoming a little man!

Auntie loves her kids.....

Can't you tell?

Loves them so much she dragged miss Lilly up the backyard hill and back down!

There she goes!


For those of you who were lucky enough to join us in the caos of our lovely Thanksgiving Dinner......here are some memories I have captured. With a full house, tons of food, and almost burning the house down it turned out to not be such a bad turkey day. In fact......BEST TURKEY DAY YET! (in the Thompson house anyways) Thanks to everyone who joined us!

Our overstuffed dinner table!

Need I say anything?

Madison and I trying to pose in the freezing weather! (still cute)

I think Bubba Rafe had a pretty successful dinner!

Wonderful Daddy made amazing turkeys!

Great Papa and Nana!

Grandma's boy!

Mama actually posed with me!

Grandpa Thompson even made it down, it was great!

This is my crazy kitchen.....pre-burnt sweet potatoes of course.

Lilliana snuck a cookie before dinner.....I totally caught her!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Freezing Family Fotos!

A very COLD attempt to take family photos this winter was made recently. It was not a pretty site but at least we got a few. (courtesy of my mom and I) If you want any e-mailed for printing let me know.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mommy's Passion!

Walking with my Bubba!

The wouldn't look at me, pretty sure they are tired of my camera already!

Black and White of Daddy and his munchkin!

Again, the kids were pretty much done!

He looks unimpressed!

Sissy is gorgeous!

Monkey girl!

Just a walk in the park!

Have a seat!
Stay tuned, we will be doing family photos this weekend!


Halloween was a scream for the kiddos. Lilliana was Tinker Bell and Rafe was The Hulk. We went trick or treating (in the cold) and loved it. By the time we were getting ready to leave Lilliana finally started to get the idea of asking for more candy "for her brother".
*FYI, Halloween was also shared with Ray and my two year anniversary of our first date!