Thursday, December 30, 2010

Everyday is an adventure...

Today was a Mommy and Rafe day! As we awoke this morning Bubba Rafe gleamed with joy to be staying home with Mommy. All fun and play and mess the house up! Little did he know....

Today was also the day he went to the doctor. He did fine until the nurse poked him four times, and then proceeds to tell me he's probably going t have a fever, soreness, and in some cases actually develope the chicken pox. SAWEET! No wonder the kids HATE the doctor.

Come to find out he is now in the 10th percentile of kids his age. Gotta love my midget children.

WEIGHT: 19 pounds 13 ounces
HEIGHT: 30 inches
HEAD: 18 5/8 inches

So, after he squealed like a girl and cried for almost 20 minutes and slept it off, he was his smiley self again.

Bear in hand and off he goes, to destroy the house yet again!

While the little booger was asleep I snuck outside for some 15 degree fresh air. Bitter, crisp, and FREEZING! After shoveling only the sidewalk in this amazing weather, turning to see the huge driveway still in need of some love, it was decided........we need a four wheeler. (Please, don't tell my husband I just admitted that.) That's about the same time I went back inside. Who needs a clean driveway anyway?

This is the sweet little shovel that assisted me on my attempt to help the hubby out.

And now that the day is wrapping up to an end, Mommy and Rafe are cozied up to the nice, warm...........pellet stove. (A WAY better invention than a nasty fireplace.)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa was good to us!

Turns out we were ALL good this year because Santa went all did the family! (When I said SPOILED I wasn't kidding!) I'm tellin you, we might have to buy a second home just for all of our's rediculous! For the sake of your bordum I only put a few pictures up, just imagine these times 1,000. (You think I'm kidding.)

Blocks, boots, bears, clothes, computers, drums, and much much more!

Kareoke, cd, barbie, slippers, n much more than I can fathom!

Daddy's favorite thing he got this year was his race suit (with matching shoes and gloves).

Mommy's favorite thing is her new bling bling.......along with a gun (gotta love the redneck).
Not only did Santa make Christmas amazing but the family (that's you) made it a very blessed and fun time. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE AMAZING GIFTS AND LOVE!

What's on the menu?

Now, in our family you can't have a birthday without a large and amazing meal. So, I had to watch me some Food Network where I found these wonderful recipes for Rafe's birthday dinner. Let me share:






I have to admit the food was absolutely YUMMO! Thank you Food Network for you great ideas. Not only did we have mouth watering food but we also enjoyed some great company and many laughs. Rafe was the center of three gorgeous teenage girls attention. Pretty much the best birthday present a little boy can have. (Again, so much like his father it's scary.) He stayed up until 9 o'clock that night but man he crashed hard when he finally stopped. As you can tell below he had a little bit of fun. (Now he is following us around all day today thinking he needs our full and undivided attention. Boy is he wrong!)

Many people might think that because your birthday is right before Christmas you would be "jipped" of a lot of cool presents. In a normal family that might be very true but in this family SPOILED is our middle name. He was showered with gifts from top to bottom of this house. I'm thinking 3200 square feet just isn't enough to store all this family's stuff. HA! In all seriousness, he was very blessed with some great gifts. THANK YOU TO ALL THE FAMILY FOR LOVING OUR MUNCHKIN AS MUCH AS WE DO!

A birthday wouldn't be complete without CAKE! And this spoiled little stinker got two cakes, oh yes count them......1........2! He must get his sweet tooth from is Grandmother......ok, and maybe his mother too.

A YEAR AGO TODAY (December 24th)

A year ago today
My heart was full of wonder
A year ago today
Excitement rushed right through me
A year ago today
Anything was possible
A year ago today
My little man was born

Thursday, December 23, 2010


I should really make this a regular post title because these two are identical.
This is a typical weekend at our place!


Grandma Debbie bought Mister Rafe a four wheeler for his birthday (which he opened early of course). Well, it didn't take long for him to find the button and get it to go. Now he goes and goes and never stops. This is Rafe, riding the four wheeler BEFORE he started walking. Such a boy!

No worries though, he is now full on walking...and before he turned one too!

Dancing Queen

Lilliana was recently in her FIRST DANCE RECITAL! That same night we discovered that she did not get her dancing skills from her mother (or grandmother for that matter). I didn't realize the complete caos that went into these shows but it was craziness. She enjoyed it though, and I guess that is what matters. We had a mild scare at the end of the show, I mean how could we be involved in something without it? Apparently we took too long to pick Lilliana up backstage so she decided to come find us out in the audience. Oh yes, leave it to my daughter to take matters into her own hands. (eyes rolling) But we survived the first (of many) dance recitals for Miss Lilliana!

Lilliana also had a small Christmas show at her school. Grandma and Papa came to watch the little diva perform. Very cute, can't wait for more!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Along with the fantastic Thanksgiving we got a moderate amount of snow.......and we had fun!

Lilliana thought it was funny to throw snowballs at Mommy!

Gotta love my sexy hubby!

My girl, I just love her! (even her sassy attitude)

He is becoming a little man!

Auntie loves her kids.....

Can't you tell?

Loves them so much she dragged miss Lilly up the backyard hill and back down!

There she goes!


For those of you who were lucky enough to join us in the caos of our lovely Thanksgiving are some memories I have captured. With a full house, tons of food, and almost burning the house down it turned out to not be such a bad turkey day. In fact......BEST TURKEY DAY YET! (in the Thompson house anyways) Thanks to everyone who joined us!

Our overstuffed dinner table!

Need I say anything?

Madison and I trying to pose in the freezing weather! (still cute)

I think Bubba Rafe had a pretty successful dinner!

Wonderful Daddy made amazing turkeys!

Great Papa and Nana!

Grandma's boy!

Mama actually posed with me!

Grandpa Thompson even made it down, it was great!

This is my crazy kitchen.....pre-burnt sweet potatoes of course.

Lilliana snuck a cookie before dinner.....I totally caught her!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Freezing Family Fotos!

A very COLD attempt to take family photos this winter was made recently. It was not a pretty site but at least we got a few. (courtesy of my mom and I) If you want any e-mailed for printing let me know.