Tuesday, October 19, 2010

CITY OF ANGELS.....or just fog and people

Our last family outing for the year was a great adventure to San Francisco. Unbenounced to us it was Fleet Week and about a billion other people were in the city as well. Here are some photos I took with my mad skills!

My hubby and I in the fort, compliments of Nidia.

Grandpa Chuck and Bubba Rafe under the Golden Gate Bridge.

This was on the top of an old war fort located directly under the Golden Gate Bridge.

The very fasinating Blue Angels were flying over the bay so we caught a good show.

They made a heart, it was pretty cool.

My little macho man liked the planes (as long as Daddy was holding him).

This one was at the fort too (I can't for the life of me remember the name of the damn fort).

He was trying to pull his hat off so Mama had to pin him down, I'm pretty tough.

Whya re all the houses painted funky colors in the city? I guess so I can take pictures of them and play on photoshop. How thoughtful!

Grandpa Chuck's dream car, although we aren't quite sure how he'll fit inside.

I love the ocean, though we didn't make it to the beach.......next time WE WILL!
All in all it turned out to be a good trip. We got to spend some time with family we don't get to see every day. My husband almost killed every person on the road (according to him California people don't know how to drive......by the end of the trip he was right along with them). Good weather, good food, good company, GOOD BYE!


Welcome all to my humble abode! For those of you who are not aware of our new adventure in life, we bought a house. It is the most gorgeous house I have ever seen (although I might be a little one sided on that). We get to move in this weekend and we are so excited. Actually, I am completely beside myself. Although, I would never buy another house again, it is such a pain in my rear end. But, after all this had work we get to call this place HOME! As Lilliana says, "We get to live in a pretty house instead of our ugly house. Let's give the ugly house to someone else, yuck!" How I love my children, and my wonderful husband for making all of our dreams come true. I know this is just a small glimpse of our glamerous home (with the wonderful stick in the front yard, kind of like Mom's house) but no worries, I will take PLENTY of pictures once it is put together.

Friday, October 8, 2010


I am currently taking a photography class at the college and think I have found a new passion in life. What an amazing feeling I get when taking a picture and being able to marvel at it. Here are the first ones I took of the kids!


Lilliana Marie is our dancing queen! She was born with it, probably didn't come from her mother....ha ha, laugh it up DAD!


WOW! I didn't realize it has been such a long time since I have blogged. Let's make this our catch up post. Life has been continuing on for the Thompson Crew without skipping a beat. Ray has been very busy working long hours to support is lovely family. I have been working and going to school as well. As most of you know we are in the process of buying our first home. It is all very exciting (and stressful) and we will definately let everyone know when it is all final. Everything has gone smoothly so far so if it continues to do so we will have our keys October 21st. Lilliana has started preschool as well as dance class. She is becoming a little lady, it is hard to believe. Some good news, it has been decided that she will now live with us full time and visit her dad on holidays and summer vacations. We are so blessed to have this as our outcome and we hope it continues to be a smooth transition. She is absolutely blossoming and growing into her own person, what a wonderful sight to see. Rafe is crawling and standing all by himself. He has no teeth but eats literally EVERYTHING!

I just have to say we are enjoying Uncle Danny and Auntie Gloria around here. They watch the kids when I am in class and we practically have BBQs every weekend. Also, having Auntie Susie and Uncle Ben around is such a blast. Here we are in Elko, far away from everything and yet completely surrounded by family......what a blessing!

So, as you can see our lives have been busy to say the least but, that's the way we like it. We are now getting ready to settle down for the holidays and get right back to it for the tax season. Such is life, and what a great life it is!