Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have this calender at work called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, I read it every day when I walk in, each day a new saying.  So, in the midst of all my life happenings (not really topic of discussion at this moment in time) I rip off the page to today's date and this is what it says...

"A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step" and can only be taken one step at a time.

God really knows when to say just the right thing at just the right time!

That's all!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Project 52

Here is a new week for PROJECT 52 and I have already completed it.  A miracle in itself I know!  The topic is "Open Your Heart".  Seems ironic for my life right now and I'm not sure if I openeding it completely if everyone would start to run screaming.  So what I did was take a tutorial and try it out.  Still trying to perfect it but it was kind of fun.  Here is my mostly closed (for now) open heart.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Project 52

If you can't tell it is officially the middle of tax season and I am so busy.   Hence the minimal posts lately.  To top off the life of a working mother, my children and husband have been sick for over a week now.  I never noticed how incredibly dramatic my family is must get it from Auntie Shaunna)!  HA HA HA!  So, amidst the craziness of life I have already missed a week of my Project 52.  A shame, but I am continuing to be a part of and hope I don't miss much more throughout the year.  This weeks topic is WORDS!  So here are my words......

This is Lilliana's book, a book my mother actually gave to me in high school.....The English Roses by Madonna.  Great books for every young girl to read and learn from. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

It's been a busy week with sick kiddos and the tax season rushing through.  (Working with the IRS is oh-so-fun........ugh.)  Here is my weekly work attire...

This was for work on Saturday, we let the girls (no boys work in our office, not on purpose) wear jeans on the weekend.
tank-old navy
sweater-old navy
necklace-gifted from mama, its a mama necklace

Sorry about the dirty mirror!
sweater-old navy
tank-body central
necklace-body central

The professional look.
pin-the bomb tax shop (hrblock)

shirt-body central
ballet flats-old navy
necklace-body central

There you have it, nothing too special!  I shall leave you with this!

Soothing Repetition

Remember how I started this Project 52?  It is a weekly topic and we get to interpret it through our photography.  Now, I am a very busy woman so committing to something more in my life is a tough one.  I'm not sure how long I will stay on track but I am planning on doing it all year.  It is a great inspiration for me, getting my creative juices going.  There are so many people involved and they are great artists, I have a lot to learn.  Theses are my interpretation of "Soothing Repetition"!

To view all of my photos for this project click the heart picture to the right.

Beautiful Obsession

I thought I would take this brief moment to let you all in on a little obsession of mine.....


I've always been an oudoors/tomboy kind of girl so naturally this makes sense.  What started as small infatuation of camofluage has now become a full on obsession.  When we bought our house one of the first things I ordered was my camo barstools.  I completely fell in LOVE, even with the slight snickers from my sister.  (She's just jealous of my amazingly good taste.)  I loved them so much that I had to order a matching bedroom set.  No, my barstools are not in my bedroom but it was a good excuse for me to buy them, as if I needed an excuse!  Isn't it absolutely gorgeous?  The mossy oak-ness brings me into a beautiful dreamland every night.  I search high and low for a phone cover that suited my needs and after a few months and one glance (we were at the mall while in Reno).....magic happened, sparks flew and this phone cover became MINE!  I wouldn't even take it off my phone for the lady to ring it up, a few glares arose but I was in awe of my new love that I didn't care.  To top my small yet growing collection of beautiful things I just received this stunning camera strap in the mail.  Although I am still getting into this whole "bloggy" thing I have had no problem finding those Etsy stores.  Thanks to Jodie's Camera Straps for specially a cozy harness for my little camera and for putting my name on it. (I love love love having things personalized, another obesession we won't go into right now.)  There are other things such as clothing, seat covers for the truck, bags, etc. that go along with my obsession but I won't stun your eyes with too much beauty.

I love camo!

I know my collection is small now but it is ever growing.  (I found this camo recliner I really want, even though we have a new recliner.)  We all are a little unique in some way!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

During the season (the TAX season that is) we have to wear nice/business type clothing. Needless to say we all get tired of black, brown, and grey really quickly. So, I am just warning you that if the wardrobe looks a little glum these days or slightly repetative it is only because we are in the season. Off season will be much spicier (or at least not always the same).


sweater-old navy
jewlery-my sister-in-law

sweater-body central
necklace-my sister (cookie lee jewlery)
bracelet-gifted by my grandma

Of course we had to add in our Sunday Jammie Day!  The kids love jammie day and they always rock the feeties that day.  JAMMIE DAY ROCKS!

You can join in at The Pleated Poppy!

Project 52

I am trying to join in on all this photo fun this year.  I don't think I can handle a 365 project yet (busy life and all) so I am hoping to stay up with this Project 52.  One picture every week according to the theme.  You can find it HERE.  Here is my first submission (a late starter). 

TOPIC:  Shades of Grey

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A day off.......

I am a working mother of two (three if you count the hubby) crazies.  And don't get me started on my "slave-driver" boss.....HA (love you Mama).  But every so often I am granted a lovely day off at home, spent at HOME (pictured on the right). 

One of the things I like about days at home is messy hair!  If you are staying at home you don't even have to brush it, which means I don't have to fight with Miss Priss and I love that idea.  Thank you messy hair for making my day that much easier.

A favorite time of mine is nap time!  While this busy body cozies up in his bed I get some peaceful time, which I love love love.  Thank you Sandman for giving him the dreams it takes to give me the sanity I need.  (Don't they look so cute all nestled quietly in their beds?)

The great thing about our precious babies getting older is that they get to help you more and more around the house.  Chores!  Thank you chores for giving me a helping hand when I need it most.

My most accomplished moment of my day home is the split second where the floors are clean and clear of all toys, blankets, and children (well two out of three ain't bad).  Oh glorious day, thank you for my (for the most part) clean floors.

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!  Thank you loving children for making me realize not to take life too seriously, or my clean house to literally!

The BEST thing about having a day to be at home is getting to hang with the crazies!  In one day I can laugh, yell, cry, smile, chuckle, sigh, and gloat all at the very same moment.  Guess that's the beauty of being a mother, and oh how beautiful it is!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Today is the first day of the tax season. (Can you hear the thrilling cheers in the background?) As crazy as it sounds I love tax season. The office is quiet and slightly lonely during the off season so when the season rolls around I am ready and prepared for some CRAZINESS! Most people are probably thinking that only a mentally unstable person could work with the IRS and do taxes……well, they are probably right. I might be crazy but at least I’m fun!

This year is going to be one of the most chaotic years. There have been so many last minute law changes that things are being postponed and people are a lot confused. So, in CELEBRATION of this TAX DAY I am posting a few tidbits about some tax law changes. (Just a few, in an effort not to bore you.)
~ Alternative Minimum Tax Patch
• The Act extends higher AMT exemption amounts for 2010 ($47,450 for Single and Head of Household filers, $72,450 for Married Filing Joint filers) and 2011 ($48,450 for Single and Head of Household filers, $74,450 for Married Filing Joint filers). Higher AMT exemptions result in fewer taxpayers paying AMT.
~ Traditional “Small” Extenders
• Tuition and fees deduction
• State and local sales tax deduction
• Educator’s expense deduction
• Qualified charitable distributions from IRAs
• DC Homebuyer Credit
~ Payroll Tax Holiday
• The employee only portion of social security tax, 6.2% of the first $106,800 in 2010, is reduced to 4.2% of the first $106,800 in 2011. (Meaning a little extra money on each paycheck.)
• The Self Employment rate for self-employed taxpayers will also be reduced from 12.4% to 10.4%.
~ Mortgage Insurance Premiums
• Mortgage insurance premiums paid by a taxpayer on a qualified mortgage may be deducted as mortgage interest. (Was scheduled to expire after 2010.)
~ Nonbusiness energy property credit
• The Act extends for one year the credit for energy-saving home improvements, such as windows, insulation, and furnaces.
~ Capital Gain and Qualified Dividend Rates
• Favorable capital gain and qualified dividend rates in effect for 2010 are extended through 2012. The maximum net long-term capital gain rate remains at 15% (0% for taxpayers in the 10% and 15% tax brackets).
~ Marriage Penalty Relief
• Extended for two years, this provision helps married taxpayers filing joint returns avoid paying higher taxes than they would pay if they were single filers.
~ American Opportunity Credit
• American Opportunity Credit is set to expire 2010.
~Child Tax Credit
• The maximum Child Tax Credit per qualified child will remain at the 2010 level of $1000.
~ Earned Income Tax Credit
• Extends the higher phaseout range ($5000 adjusted for inflation) for married taxpayers filing a joint return.
• Extends higher Earned Income Tax Credit for families with three children.
~ Bonus Depreciation
• The Act allows 100% expensing of qualifying property placed into service September 9, 2010 through December 31, 2011.
• For 2012 only, 50% bonus depreciation is allowed.
~ Estate Tax
• The estate tax, which was repealed in 2010, has been reinstated. The maximum estate tax rate is 35% with an exemption of $5 million that is indexed to inflation.
~ Health Savings Plans
• Starting in 2011, over-the-counter drugs and medicines no longer count. (HAS, FSA, MSA, and HRA)

Beginning in 2010, the following provisions are NOT available
• Increased Standard Deduction for Real Property Tax
• New Vehicle Sales Tax Deduction
• First $2,400 Unemployment Compensation Exclusion
• Required Minimum Distribution Waiver
Beginning in 2011, the following provisions are not available
• Making Work Pay Credit
• Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit

For those of you filing any of these forms you will have to wait to file your return. The IRS says “hopefully” by mid to late February you can begin filing.
• Schedule A (all homeowners)
• Form 8917, Tuition and Fees Deduction
• Educator Expense Deduction (all teachers)
• Form 4684, Casualties and Thefts
• Form 3800, General Business Credit
• Form 5405, First-Time Homebuyers Credit and Repayment of the Credit
• Form 6478, Alcohol and Cellulosic Biofuel Fuels Credit
• Form 8834, Qualified Plug-In Electric and Electric Vehicle Credit
• Form 8910, Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit
• Form 8936, Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit

FYI, this year you have until APRIL 18th to file your tax return!  (Oh yes, three extra beautiful days to file that dreaded return.....for all of you procrastinators.)  

There are some very interesting financial and tax changes happening in the next few years due to the new Health Care Reform. If anyone is interested in knowing about them (which will most definitely affect ALL of us in some way) let me know and I can make a post.

For now, here are just a few (you might be sleeping by now) of the important tax changes this year. Which is why, in my opinion, this year is going to be one of the CRAZIEST years yet! YIPPEE! Good thing the season only lasts four months! (But then I spend the rest of the year picking up the pieces.)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

I have been reading THIS blog for a while now and have decided to join in.  So, every Wednesday I will post pictures of what I have worn that week.  Here we go...

This is a casual comfy look for grocery shopping and such.

 This is what I like to call my lazy attire.  I LIVE in leggings and one of my husbands shirts every night and weekend.
leggings-old navy
slippers-big 5 (originally $50 on sale for $20)


This is the outfit I wore on my day off but the munchkin had dance so I decided to get dressed.
tank-old navy

I like to call this my every day necklace although I don't wear it every day but I would.  Simple and fills the space.  Courtesy of JCPenney.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

color in a dreary month

In an effort to get more involved in the fun blogging world I am trying to become involved in many different things.  One of my new things (and ever so loving passions, newly found) is photography and all these wonderful blogs help me express that.  My Sissy's friend (found here) is doing a photo inspiration project and is asking that we join in as well.  Taking photos and outwardly expressing myself.......YES PLEASE!  So the first topic is COLOR IN A DREARY MONTH

My color is GREEN and not just any green but THIS GREEN!  Where I come from we like to call it H&R Block green.  To me winter means work(although I work all year), money, and TAX TIME!  My mother owns a few tax businesses and I, of course, am the manager.  So, my winter/spring (what little spring we get in this town) is spent with numbers and the much loved IRS.  In all fairness, working with the IRS is not the easiest thing in the world but I LOVE it!  So, when you say "color in a dreary month" I say GREEN!

*Don't forget to file your return by April 18th, and if nearby stop by......because I AM YOUR PEOPLE!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Purpose

the result or achievement toward which effort
is directed; aim; end

Every year when January 1st rolls around the world makes these goals they call RESOLUTIONS.  The majority consist of losing weight, quitting something, being a better person, etc etc.  I would also say that the majority go from being resolutions to broken promises to themselves.  It seems to happen, we get wrapped up in our busy lifestyles that we soon forget the simple things we promised ourselves to make life that much better.  This year I have decided that instead of making one resolution at the beginning of the year I would make numerous goals throughout the year.  It seems more realistic to make goals all year and give yourself a timeframe of some sort.  Goals give you a PURPOSE an END RESULT a feeling of SUCCESS and COMPLETION!

One of my first goals may seem minor but for a working mother of two hoodlums it is a hight that may take some falling to defeat.  I WANT TO READ THE WHOLE TWILIGHT SAGA!  I have made my husband (bless his heart) take me to the theater to see all of the movies so far and am patiently awaiting the last one.  (Althought it being the last one seems to bittersweet.)  As little free (or quiet) time as I have (meaning none) I am surprised that I am almost done with the first book and  just bought them last week.  I have to admit they are so much better than the movies, but I love the movies and all the gorgeous people in them (oh so gorgeous).  So, I am on my way to achieving my first goal of reading the four fabulous books of imagination, passion, and amazement.  GO TEAM EDWARD!  (Yes, I am a total Team Edward fan.....thank you very much.)

Last year my husband and I bought a beautiful house that we now like to call home.  One of our first "welcome home" gifts we received was this table runner.  If you didn't know my Auntie Susie is an incredible quilter/sewer and worked her cute little butt off to get this done.  She was literally hand sewing the last few bits together on the drive down for Thanksgiving.  I have to admit it is one of the best assets of my house, especially my kitchen.  (It's all about coffee, which like oxygen I don't think I would be able to live without.)  Which (kind of) leads me to my next goal.  

My goal is to decorate our lovely house and make it a cozy and welcoming home!  One in which everyone will want to come to visit and feel so comfortable in.  So far this wall is my favorite decorated place in the house, well on eof my favorites anyway....I love my camoflauge bedspread and ALL of my new furniture.  My goal is to make every place my favorite place, probably not by the end of the year but definately throughout my entire lifetime. 

Another goal I have, which is not only for me but for my children and family as well, is to make friends.  If you know me then you know that this seems like an almost impossible goal for me to reach.  Since I have children I have come to realize that they are turning more into me than I would like.  I have little to no friends.....especially friends with children, which is crucial when you have a family.  I am realizing that my daughter is following my footsteps and is very shy around kids (she is more into adults which is exactly how I was).  So, I will now make friends in her school, dance, and anywhere else I can scoop them up from.  So this goal will not only benefit me but my amazing (and lonely) children as well.  Wish me luck!  (No seriously, I'm going to need it.)

To me this year means new beginnings and great adventures.  We should live every year better than the last.  It seems like life gets shorter and shorter so why would we want to let anything go to waste?  I choose not to and this is my YEAR OF CHANGE and GOODNESS!  Join me on my adventure of goals and success!