Tuesday, January 11, 2011

color in a dreary month

In an effort to get more involved in the fun blogging world I am trying to become involved in many different things.  One of my new things (and ever so loving passions, newly found) is photography and all these wonderful blogs help me express that.  My Sissy's friend (found here) is doing a photo inspiration project and is asking that we join in as well.  Taking photos and outwardly expressing myself.......YES PLEASE!  So the first topic is COLOR IN A DREARY MONTH

My color is GREEN and not just any green but THIS GREEN!  Where I come from we like to call it H&R Block green.  To me winter means work(although I work all year), money, and TAX TIME!  My mother owns a few tax businesses and I, of course, am the manager.  So, my winter/spring (what little spring we get in this town) is spent with numbers and the much loved IRS.  In all fairness, working with the IRS is not the easiest thing in the world but I LOVE it!  So, when you say "color in a dreary month" I say GREEN!

*Don't forget to file your return by April 18th, and if nearby stop by......because I AM YOUR PEOPLE!

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